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Creation date of the diagram. This operator is followed by a date. Dates can be specified giving three integers MONTH DAY YEAR or using \today operator (cf. §[*]). There isn't control on year value, third example is ambiguous and it is the responsibility of the author to guarantee the future readability.
This operator should only appear in a diagram header block.


  \diagram_date(02, 29, 2000);

Formal structure

  \diagram_date(MONTH, DAY, YEAR);


  Description    : Operator that return the current date (\today)
  Type           : Operator.

  Description    : Indicates the number of the month of diagram. 
  Type           : Integer.
  Allowed values : Integer values in range [1, 12].

  Description    : Indicates the number of the day of diagram. 
  Type           : Integer.
  Allowed values : Integer values in range [1, 31].

  Description    : Indicates the number of the year of diagram. 
  Type           : Integer.
  Allowed values : Any integer value.

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