March 1,
2020 - New Doodle examples
by jgout
Thanks to Daniel Landi to share his creations:
- Half-heart flag
- Simple heart (in loving memory of Francis Ow)
Jump to the Resources page to see those models.
October 26,
2001 - Online reference manual available |
by jgout |
The Doodle
reference manual now exists in a
HTML form. You can directly
browser the manual online or
download this version (jump on the
docs page
October 18,
2001 - Doodle 2.1 is released |
by jgout |
New minor stable
release 2.1
- Binaries for Linux, Windows and Solaris are available.
- Samples have been updated to be compliant with this version.
- Updated reference manuals are also available.
Jump to the Download page to
see what is new is this release.
September 3,
2001 - New Doodle examples
by jgout
New diagrams made
with Doodle have been added to the
examples package.
- Petal module of the Magic Rose Cube (Designed by Valerie
- A simple traditionnal boat made by Xavier Fouchet.
Jump to the Resources page to see those models.
September 3,
2001 - New release of the Doodle Reference Manual |
by jgout |
A new version of
the Doodle Reference Manual has
been released.
New operators added in the 2.0 release have been
Geometrical operators have a figure to explain how they
A quick jump link has been added in the summary table to see
more details on an operator.
September 3,
2001 - Doodle 2.0 binaries released |
by jgout |
New major stable release 2.0.
Binaries for Linux, Solaris and Windows are provided.
What's new:
\shift operator is now completed.
Fold operators (\valley_fold ...) can now be defined with a
limiting edge on its second point.
\unfill operator has been extended. If no paramter is given
all previously defined faces are unfilled.
New debug operators (\debug_point and \debug_line) very
\rotate operator has changed, it's no longer accepted inside
a step block.
New operator \text to annotate directly points of diagrams.
New operator \unshift to stop action of a previous \shift.
Vertex duplications are now provided (e.g newA = A;).
Fold line styles no longer change because of scale change.
Parenthesis can now be found safely in string.
July 17,
2001 - New model made with Doodle |
by jgout |
A new "pajarita"
has been made by Xavier Fouchet
using Doodle (more traditional
folds sequence than other
one). This diagram demonstrates
the abilities of the system to
make 3D diagrams. You can see this
model in the resources
June 21,
2001 - New release of the Doodle Reference Manual |
by jgout |
A new version of
the Doodle Reference Manual has
been released. It contains
description of two new operators:
June 21,
2001 - New Doodle code examples |
by jgout |
A new version of the Doodle code examples has
been released. It contains two new diagrams:
Magic Rose Cube (Designed by Valerie Vann)
June 21,
2001 - Doodle 1.7 released |
by jgout |
New minor release 1.7.
Binaries for Linux, Solaris and Windows are
May 10,
2001 - Doodle mailing lists are
now open |
by jgout |
Three new mailing lists concerning the Doodle project have
been opened.
doodle-announce for new official releases announcements
doodle-users for users communication and support.
doodle-devel for developers to talk about Doodle technical
topics |
May 10,
2001 - Doodle CVS repository is open
by jgout |
Source files of the Doodle project are now on the cvs server.
Reference manual latex source have been also transfered on
this server.
May 9,
2001 - Doodle: Examples of Doodle source files released |
by jgout |
You can find in the download section examples of
Doodle source code. I've put severals unterminated
models to show how to use Doodle language.
These examples will be updated as soon as possible.
May 7,
2001 - Release of the Doodle
Reference Manual |
by jgout |
First release of the Doodle Reference Manual.
Document is provided in both PDF
and PS versions.
May 7,
2001 - Binaries : First beta
release |
by jgout |
I'm proud to announce the first official beta binaries
release for the Doodle project.
Binaries are provided for win32, Linux and Solaris
Enjoy it.
January 18,
2001 - Minimun Doodle web site
by jgout |
Initial release of the Doodle web site |