Operator \perpendicular is a geometrical operator. It is used to define a perpendicular line to another meeting a particular point. Principle of this operator is to compute a new point such as the line defined by this point and the point given in parameter is orthogonal to the given line. There are two syntaxes whether the new created point belongs to the given reference line.
The following figure () presents an example of
this operator. The code to obtain this result can be found in the next
section. In this example there are three instances of operator
\perpendicular to compute respectively v2, v3
and v4. Both first use the first syntax because points
searched belong to the base line. v4 belongs to [d,
c] so this line should be given to the operator. It can be noted that
in the former case, the use of operator \intersection could get
v4 as the intersection of segment [v3, a] and
[d, c].
This operator should only appear within a step block.
v2 = \perpendicular([v1, b], c); v3 = \perpendicular([v1, b], a); v4 = \perpendicular([v1, b], a, [d, c]);
EDGE Description : Indicates the reference edge to build its orthogonal line. Type : Edge, couple of vertex identifiers. Allowed values : Any couple of vertex identifiers previously defined. VERTEX Description : Indicates the vertex origin of the perpendicular line. Type : Symbol, vertex identifier. Allowed values : Any vertex identifier previously defined. LIMIT_EDGE Description : Indicates the new orthogonal line limit. Type : Edge, couple of vertex identifiers. Allowed values : Any couple of vertex identifiers already defined in a previous step.
RETURN_VERTEX Description : New vertex intersection of new orthogonal line and LIMIT_EDGE. Type : Symbol, vertex identifier. Allowed values : Any vertex identifier not yet defined.